Mayor Survey Question 2

What do you think are the biggest issues affecting Red Deer are, and how would you approach being an elected representative?

Brad Magee:

Our biggest issues are crime, homelessness, job loss and business closure, as well as our hospital expansion. These are all major issues that are not answered easily. I will approach these issues with city council as a whole, as I feel these are all things that need the city to work together as one. I will push for us to educate ourselves about these issues, have the conversations with the respective programs involved and consult the citizens before and serious decisions are made. We will work together as a team to ensure our provincial government understands our needs, that need to be handled quickly, without taking years to complete. While I believe in moving forward in a decisive manner, it is also important that we ensure we’ve met the needs of the people these issues affect the most.


Ken Johnston:

There are no shortage of issues! I have prioritized economic development and our unemployment rate of 10% as a top issue but close behind would be the downtown and it's revitalization and the social disorder we find ourselves needing to solve.


Buck Buchanan:

Right now I think our community is divided over the pandemic issue and as a community we have to come together again and support each other. I also believe that Crime and Safety is an issue and lot of focus on that has been placed on the Downtown we have talked about this issue for years and I have some changes I think we can make to address this situation, hopefully creating some more Economic Development helping to solve some of these issues.

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