Red Deer Minute: COVID Slowing, Permit Conditions, and Emergency Wait Times
Red Deer Minute: COVID Slowing, Permit Conditions, and Emergency Wait Times
Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics
This Week In Red Deer:
There are three meetings at City Hall this week, starting with a City Council Regular Meeting today at 10:00 am. Council will begin this meeting in camera to discuss the appointment of an Interim City Manager. Once Council reverts back to an open meeting, second and third reading will be given to the City’s newly proposed Immunization Policy. Council will also debate a Land Use Bylaw Amendment which, if passed, would allow for the rezoning of 6714 Golden West Avenue.
On Tuesday at 5:00 pm, there will be a meeting of the Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services Board. At this meeting, Council is set to receive several presentations including an FCSS specialist report, the 2021 FCSS year-end financials, a proposed cost share summary, and the 2022 Fall Emergent Funding Report Recommendation which aims to use emergent funding for a second year of Reconnect grants.
- On Wednesday, there will be a meeting of the Emergency Advisory Committee. No agenda had been posted for this meeting yet.
Last Week In Red Deer:
- Doctors raised the alarm about prolonged wait times in the ER due to a shortage of staff and beds. Sadly, AHS also confirmed a patient died while waiting for care at Red Deer Regional Hospital. A medical examiner has been called in and a review is currently underway.
The temporary homeless shelter at Cannery Row is estimated to cost taxpayers an additional $600,000 over the next two years, while work is done on creating a permanent shelter. The additional cost was revealed as part of plans for new development permit conditions that will be debated by Council this week, and would pay for various site improvements and mitigations to appease property owners nearby who are concerned about litter, loitering, and vandalism.
- Early indications from waste-water analysis show transmission and new cases of COVID-19 may be slowing across Alberta. AHS numbers also confirm that active cases of COVID-19 have dropped significantly. There is still limited eligibility for PCR tests, so the actual numbers may be off, but the trend seems clear.
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