Red Deer Minute: Election Announcements, Trail Lighting, and Local Business Needs

Red Deer Minute: Election Announcements, Trail Lighting, and Local Business Needs


Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics


This Week In Red Deer:

  • There will be a City Council Meeting this morning at 10:30 am, beginning with a closed session. During the closed session, Council will discuss citizen representative appointments to Committees. When the meeting opens up to the public, the agenda includes a Notice of Motion brought forward by Councillor Dianne Wyntjes. According to the motion, residents have been asking for trail lighting since 2016 due to issues like break-ins, bush fires, and encampments near the trails and stairs in Monfort Heights. Previous measures, like clearing bushes and conducting a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) review, haven’t fully resolved the problems. Wyntjes is asking Council to include funding for trail lighting in the 2026 capital budget and ensure it’s installed by mid-2026.

  • The City of Red Deer, Red Deer County, and Red Deer Polytechnic are launching a collaborative project to gather data on local business needs through the Business Retention and Expansion and Workforce Development (BREWD) initiative. This project aims to support business growth and address workforce challenges by creating a targeted action plan for economic prosperity. The data collected will help decision-makers understand how to improve the local business environment, attract investment, and foster long-term success in Central Alberta. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in an online survey available until February 28th.

  • Saro's Restaurant, a staple in downtown Red Deer for nearly 50 years, will close its doors permanently after selling its building. The dining room will close on January 31st, but takeout and delivery will continue until February 2nd. The building was purchased by a new owner from Grande Prairie, who plans to open a new restaurant.



Last Week In Red Deer:

  • Mayor Ken Johnston announced he will not seek re-election in the upcoming October municipal election, deciding to retire from public life after serving as both a City Councillor and Mayor. Johnston expressed pride in the progress made during his term, including advancements in housing, economic development, and reconciliation. He also acknowledged the community's growth, noting a more engaged and dynamic Red Deer. While he regrets the lack of a permanent shelter, Johnston remains hopeful that progress will be made in the coming months.

  • Earl Dreeshen, the Red Deer-Mountain View MP since 2008, also announced he will not seek re-election, citing the need for change and new perspectives within the Conservative Party. The 71-year-old MP expressed pride in his 16 years of service, highlighting achievements like securing federal funding for the Red Deer Regional Airport expansion and supporting local educational institutions. Dreeshen also noted his contributions in various parliamentary committees and international forums, particularly on food security and energy issues.

  • The Central Alberta Collegiate Institute (CACI) shared that it has nearly doubled its student enrollment since its first year in 2023, growing from 190 to 350 students. CACI, a partnership between Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP), Olds College of Agriculture and Technology, CAREERS, Chinook’s Edge, Red Deer Public, Red Deer Catholic Regional, and Wolf Creek Public school divisions, offers dual credit learning opportunities in skilled trades. The program aims to give high school students the skills needed to enter apprenticeships sooner, addressing the gap between graduation and entering the workforce. CACI's offerings include welding, heavy equipment, and automotive services training.




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  • Common Sense Red Deer
    published this page in News 2025-01-25 22:50:30 -0700