Red Deer Minute: Event Centre, Construction Season, and Another Shelter Location

Red Deer Minute: Event Centre, Construction Season, and Another Shelter Location


Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics


This Week In Red Deer:

  • There will be a City Council Regular Meeting this morning at 10:30 am. Council will discuss allocating more capital funding to the Red Deer Airport as the Province's $30 million investment is conditional on the City and the County both chipping in $2.5 million. Council will also review a rezoning application for the north part of the Kentwood neighbourhood and review a proposed policy to clarify how the City names municipal features. There is one time-specific item on the agenda - a code of conduct matter will be discussed in camera (in secret) at 12:30 pm. Council will also be in camera for a discussion about a property lease.

  • On Wednesday, at 9:00 am, the Municipal Planning Commission will meet. They will be discussing a commercial development at 5441 45 Street, which is the strip mall proposed next to Troubled Monk. The developer is asking for a variance to have a slightly smaller building and less landscaping than required, primarily for the purpose of having a bigger parking lot. Later in the day, at 1:00 pm, the Audit Committee will meet. The Committee will receive reports on procurement, investments, and reserves. There are also four items on the agenda that will be discussed in a closed meeting, including the evaluations from an external auditor.

  • Construction is set to begin on 19th Street on Tuesday or Wednesday. Work includes road rehabilitation, a roundabout, and multi-use trails. Expect major delays between Irwin Ave. and Gaetz Ave. as the construction is expected to last into October and resume again next May.


Last Week In Red Deer:

  • The Red Deer Subdivision and Development Appeal Board ruled that the event center at the Red Deer Resort and Casino can be built after all. Much was made about the event centre being just short of the required number of parking spots, despite having leased spots across the street and offering to build a parkade - but the Appeal Board did not require either of those alternatives. They were swayed by available on-street parking and the lack of opposition from adjacent landowners. They did, however, add in some new landscaping requirements.

  • Construction season in Red Deer has begun with major work started on the Taylor Drive Bridge, which is down to one lane on both sides. The bridge rehabilitation project is expected to last until August, so adjust your routes around town accordingly. Despite the big road projects that the City is funding, the total value of building permits in Red Deer continues to trend downward.

  • Mayor Ken Johnston announced that a fourth site has been proposed for the permanent homeless shelter, but the location will not be disclosed to the public any time soon. It has been put to the Province for approval, but with the Alberta election going on, it's unlikely that we will see progress on the proposal until after the election.




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