Red Deer Minute: Hospital Equipment, Gas Prices, and a Common Sense Event

Red Deer Minute: Hospital Equipment, Gas Prices, and a Common Sense Event


Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics


This Week In Red Deer:

  • We are hosting a Pints & Politics event in Red Deer on Friday, September 23rd in conjunction with the Alberta Institute. Please join us for some casual drinks and an opportunity for everyone to get together with like-minded Albertans to chat about politics. There's a lot going on, so there will be plenty of conversation topics! The event will be held at Boston Pizza at 3215 Gaetz Avenue, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Please RSVP here.

  • There is just one meeting happening this week at City Hall. The Housing Asset Development Sub-Committee will meet on Wednesday. No time or agenda is available for this meeting yet.

  • An Alberta Health Services program aimed at helping people quit smoking is now available at no cost to Red Deerians. The QuitCore program will teach people the strategies needed to quit and how to manage stress so as to prevent picking up the habit again. The in-person program begins on Tuesday and runs weekly until October 25th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Johnstone Crossing Community Health Centre. Registration is required.


Last Week In Red Deer:

  • Red Deer Hospital received seven new pieces of operating room equipment thanks to funding from the 2021 Festival of Trees. Some of the items are intended as replacements for older equipment, but others, like the ENT navigation system, are new. Used to treat chronic sinus infections and a variety of ear, nose, and throat issues, the navigation system should prevent around 30% of the patients needing ENT surgery from being sent to Calgary or Edmonton.

  • The Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery (MAG) was awarded the 2022 Leadership Award for Engagement by the Alberta Museums Association. The award came as recognition for the MAG’s Indigenous community engagement work in developing the Powwow! OhcÎwin the Origins exhibit. The museum was also the site of a community-led ceremony honouring Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Children and staff regularly attend meetings of their Indigenous partner organizations.

  • Red Deer had the cheapest gas in Canada, with average gas price of 118.9 cents per litre on Friday. One station even posted prices of 114.9 cents per litre. The Alberta average for the same time was 135.8. By afternoon, the average prices in the city had jumped to 125.5 cents per litre. Alberta’s gas prices remain the cheapest in the country.




Common Sense Red Deer doesn't accept any government funding and never will. We think you should be free to choose, for yourself, which organizations to support. If you're in a position to contribute financially, you can make a donation here.



If you're not in a position to donate, we understand, but if you appreciate our work, you can help by spreading our message. Please email this post to your friends, share it on Facebook or Twitter, and help make sure every Red Deerian knows what's really going on at City Hall.

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