Red Deer Minute: New Mayor, New Council, and Referenda Results Due

Red Deer Minute: New Mayor, New Council, and Referenda Results Due


Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics


This Week In Red Deer:

  • Fresh off the campaign trail, Red Deer’s newly elected Mayor, Ken Johnston, and new City Council will be officially sworn in today.

  • The swearing-in ceremony is considered “Part 1” of the City Council Organizational Meeting that is scheduled for 5:00 pm today. “Part 2” will take place next week, along with the new Council's first official City Council meeting.

  • There is also a Public Art Commission meeting scheduled for tomorrow, but no details or agenda are available yet.


Last Week In Red Deer:

  • Red Deer’s one-sided mayoral result was the biggest story of Monday's election night. Ken Johnston was elected as Red Deer's next Mayor in a landslide victory over his opponents, capturing just over 54% of the vote. All of the five other candidates running received less than 15% of the vote each.

  • The race for City Council saw all four incumbent Councillors who were running again re-elected (Michael Dawe, Vesna Higham, Lawrence Lee, and Dianne Wyntjes), while there will also be four new and/or returning faces to Council (Bruce Buruma, Cindy Jeffries, Kraymer Barnstable, and Victor Doerksen). Congratulations to all who put their name forward, and we wish the incoming Council all the best.

  • Red Deerians voted “Yes'' to both provincial referenda last Monday, voting for both removing equalization from the Constitution (69% to 31%) and moving to a permanent Daylight Savings Time (55% to 45%). The full, province-wide, results are set to be released tomorrow.



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