Red Deer Minute: Power Poles, Downtown Market, and Conduct Investigation Wraps

Red Deer Minute: Power Poles, Downtown Market, and Conduct Investigation Wraps


Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics


This Week In Red Deer:

  • The meeting schedule is slim at City Hall this week on account of the May long weekend.

  • On Tuesday, at 5:00 pm, the Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee will meet. The meeting will begin in a closed session where the Committee will receive advice from officials with regard to the Veterans Homelessness Program. During the public portion of the meeting, there will be a report shared concerning the aforementioned program. The Committee will also discuss a report on the available supports in the community for preventing and reducing homelessness and will receive an update on the Housing Accelerator Fund.

  • Starting this week and continuing throughout the summer months, there may be some leaning power poles in the 40 Avenue area. City crews are replacing the poles and they will lean for approximately eight weeks while the new poles are installed.


Last Week In Red Deer:

  • It was announced that Mike Olesen has been appointed as the General Manager for the City of Red Deer, starting June 19th. Oleson has previously served four years as the CEO of Westerner Park, who have named Ian Allan as their interim General Manager while they search for a new CEO. 

  • An investigation regarding Councillor Barnstable wrapped up, with the Councillor found to have been in breach of City Council’s Code of Conduct Bylaw. After an outside firm was hired to conduct an investigation - the cost of which has not been made public yet - two of the six allegations made against Barnstable were deemed founded. Allegations ranged from posing for photos with controversial figures, posting “misinformation”, and liking social media posts. He has issued a public apology and must now complete City Manager-approved diversity and inclusion training. Councillor Barnstable’s final comments were, “I guess everyone is allowed to have an opinion unless it’s a conservative opinion.” 

  • Farmer’s markets were back in the news again after the Downtown Business Association (DBA) cancelled its Downtown Saturday Market. The DBA said there were time constraints and logistical challenges, and that the weekly event has been postponed until next year. The DBA’s market was intended to fill the gap left when the City forced the long-time farmer’s market to relocate to Red Deer Polytechnic, after a dispute with the curling club over the use of their parking lot.




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