Red Deer Minute: Rodeo Sponsorship, Shopping Carts, and Shelter Site Rejected

Red Deer Minute: Rodeo Sponsorship, Shopping Carts, and Shelter Site Rejected


Red Deer Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Red Deer politics


This Week In Red Deer:


Last Week In Red Deer:

  • The Province asked the City to select a different site for the permanent homeless shelter. The Government of Alberta deemed the location, chosen by Council after months of deliberations, “unsuitable.” Councillors rescinded their vote for the initial location and instead, voted unanimously for a different site. Red Deerians are still in the dark as to where the shelter was originally intended to be, and where it will be now. So much for transparency!

  • A proposed amendment to the Community Standards Bylaw was defeated. The amendment would have fined individuals between $75 and $300 for removing shopping carts from businesses and charged those businesses a fee for their return. In May 2021, a suggestion was made that businesses be fined between $250 and $2,500 for failure to keep their carts on their premises. Not surprisingly, business owners were not - and are still not - in favour of paying fees and fines for something beyond their control. The "impacts on Red Deer’s vulnerable population" were also considered in defeating the amendment.

  • Council approved a $50,000 sponsorship for the 2022 Canadian Finals Rodeo. The City will now be the co-presenting sponsor of the event. The funding comes from the City’s Event Hosting and Outgoing Sponsorship fund, an initiative approved in 2020 to facilitate major events in Red Deer. The Canadian Finals Rodeo will take place from November 2nd - 6th at the Peavey Mart Centrium.




Common Sense Red Deer doesn't accept any government funding and never will. We think you should be free to choose, for yourself, which organizations to support. If you're in a position to contribute financially, you can make a donation here.



If you're not in a position to donate, we understand, but if you appreciate our work, you can help by spreading our message. Please email this post to your friends, share it on Facebook or Twitter, and help make sure every Red Deerian knows what's really going on at City Hall.

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